Cidade/Urbano |
14,9 lt/100km |
Estrada/Rodovia |
9,1 lt/100km |
Combinado |
11,2 lt/100km |
Emissões de CO2 | 256,0 g/100km |
Consumo Real Estimado de Combustível |
18,2 lt/100km |
Custo para encher o depósito de combustível |
164,43 € |
Preço do Combustível |
2023 Porsche Cayenne III Coupe 4.0’s production started in 2020 and continued in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Cayenne GTS 4.0 V8 is a 5 doors Coupe, SUV in All wheel drive (4x4). Automobile weight is 2175 kg with 625 liters trunk loading capacity. Cayenne III Coupe GTS 4.0 V8 has a 4.0 l engine. With 3996 cc engine size it produces 460 Hp horsepower and 620 Nm torque. The power is transmitted by a speed gearbox with Dianteira wheel drive. Vehicle can accelerate from zero to 100 km/h (60 mph) in 4.5 seconds. Top speed is limited by 270 km/h (168 mph). The engine has a Euro 6d-ISC-FCM standard. Fuel tank capacity is 90 liters. Consumption in city is 14,9 lt/100km, consumption in highway is 9,1 lt/100km and combined fuel consumption is 11,2 lt/100km according to official factory data. Estimated Cayenne III Coupe GTS 4.0 V8 real World MPG/consumption is 18,2 lt/100km. It is expected to consume 62 percent more fuel than factory data in real conditions and during test drives.
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