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Chevrolet Captiva is a Compact Crossover SUV manufactured by American automaker General Motors under the Chevrolet brand. The car has a history of two generations and is a model that has not gained the popularity it deserves among the iconic SUV models of the Chevrolet brand. The car, which was first produced in 2006 and is still being produced, succeeded in making a splash especially when it was released in the European continent. Although it continues to be produced with different names in different automotive markets, the impressive appearance of the front part is still in memory. The Captiva is a molded but not bulky SUV in terms of exterior design. The sharp line running across both sides of the car is a reference to the dynamic characteristics of the car, and the details on the rest of the body are arranged to harmonize with the whole. While the front grille, which expands and grows with the new generation, has a marking effect, the colour palette used makes the car attractive. Finally, when we look at the interior design, we can praise the spacious and comfortable cabin area in the vehicle rather than the design features. Especially the Chevrolet Captiva luggage volume is ideal for daily use with its 477-liter capacity.
Chevrolet Captiva Technical Specifications and Fuel Consumption
The technical specifications and fuel consumption of the Chevrolet Captiva are our focus in this section. In this regard, we need to talk about details such as the engine options and fuel consumption of the Chevrolet Captiva. However, while talking about these details, we limit the engine options under two categories in order not to bore you. These categories are; The Best Fuel-Economy and Most Popular engine options. Chevrolet Captiva has three standard engine options such as 2.2 D, 2.4 and 3.0. First of all, we can say that in terms of fuel consumption efficiency best engine option is 2.2 D. It is a four-cylindered engine with a 2231 cm3 size. It is an engine that uses diesel fuel feed system. It can produce 163 horsepower and 3800 RPM torque. According to the official factory data, 2.2 D has got a 7,8lt/100km (which refers to 36 MPG in the UK) mpg performance in Urban usage. However, this fuel consumption rate decreasing to 5,3lt/100km (which refers to 53 MPG in the UK) in Extra Urban usage such as Highways or Long-Distance Trip. When we combine these mpg data, we get a 6,2lt/100km (which refers to 45 MPG in the UK) average mpg performance. Now let's focus on the 2.4, the most popular engine. This engine is preferred in terms of both medium fuel consumption and adequate performance. It has got a four cylindered engine structure with a 2384 cm3 size. It is using Gasoline and it produces 167 Horsepower and 5600 RPM Torque. 2.4 has got a 11,7lt/100km (which refers to 24 MPG in the UK) fuel consumption in Urban usage. On the other hand, this MPG rate decreasing to 7,4lt/100km (which refers to 38 MPG in the UK) in Extra Urban usage. When we gather these two fuel consumption data, we get an 8,9lt/100km (which refers to 32 MPG in the UK) average fuel consumption data.